Friday, May 15, 2009

Cuci Mata

The Lower Sixers just came in last Monday. Well at least there was some sort of 'entertainment' for us Upper Sixers. Cuci mata doesn't mean looking at cute guys because there was none. And i've never really bothered in looking at younger guys. It really isn't my thing. *No offence, i'm not discriminating anyone in any way* Cuci mata here means that we watch their moves and appearances. Well, the usual la, "Omg look at that girl. Dah la rambut perang. Pakai celak plak tu. Tak tau school rules ke!" and "Eww that guy looks like some pendatang asing sesat." Don't lie and tell me you've never done this in school before! Hahaha. School will always be school no matter what. Enjoy it while u can because u won't get to feel the school atmosphere once u've stepped out of school.

Tomorrow is the orientation for the Lower Sixers with the Upper Sixers. Good luck, Lower Sixers. Be afraid. Be very afraid. Muahahahaha! Kidding. I won't be going to school. Study kat rumah is way better. Can't tolerate with the terrible hot weather la nowadays.

Heartless - Kanye West

All i can say is : Kris nailed it!
(sadly, the live version wasn't available)

The Fray's version is super cool!

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